This DA is a two-part  video essay series exploring the future of information, communication and the exploitation of the general population through the use of bot-nets, bots and troll farms. 

Each essay will cover a different topic that is a demonstration of how bots and trolls are shaping  public opinion, with a focus on how this may evolve in the future and recommendations for how to navigate and regulate the future of this technology. These essays will explore the future this technology and how to best control and regulate the use of bots to sway public opinion. I will explore possibilities regarding the individual, social media platforms and on a government policy basis. 

I expect to produce my first Essay by Friday week 5 and the second essay by Friday week 8. I will prototype ideas through engaging with my audience on Twitter, As well as utilizing feedback from the first video essay for the second. 

The utility of this project is to raise awareness, inform and encourage discussion around issues and misuse of bots. The video essays will also provide informational entertainment qualities. 

2 thoughts on “BCM325 PITCH

  1. Hi Asher, It is good that you have chosen to undergo a project which is of interest to you, and could potentially benefit future prospects in different aspect. As you had mention bots, botnets and trolls in your video, you would like to talk about the uses of these technology on political and financial perspectives. Yet in having just searched on internet ‘how bots, botnets and trolls has changed in…’, it is clear that there are many existing posts which is mostly talking about these technology are used to influence conversations for commercial or political reasons. I like the concept of discussing specific technologies in reference to your chosen topic, this will be beneficial for public to know more about these kind of technology especially we are all living in this misinformation age.

    From watching the video from your DA, I was wonder which social media platforms you would like to investigate and have a deep look on it? As you said your video essays will also provide informational entertainment qualities, maybe you can also embedded the video to your blog post to create an informational and entertaining content.

    Overall, great idea and keen to see the your final project.

    – Jessie


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